• How to Write a Helpful Self-Help Book: 7 Key Steps

    Whether you’re an expert in your field or just have a passion for helping others, self-publishing a self-help book can be a rewarding experience. For a self-help book to be helpful for readers though, it needs to hit some key points. Your back cover copy needs to clearly identify the issue your book will address and your content needs to make it easy for readers to put your advice into action in their own lives. Here are seven key points every self-help book needs for it to be helpful: 1. Identify the Issue Your Self-Help Book Will Address The first…

  • Advice Only a Mother Can Give: Writing Books of Guidance for All Children

    Take it from Mom; she knows best — “You probably should bring a jacket,” or “Don’t chew with your mouth open.” As an adult, you will find yourself speaking these same fateful sayings to your children, while giving the “I mean it” face when they refuse. The words of a mother are ones that each of us carries into life with a sense of apprehension at first, but gratefulness when the advice turns out to be needed. Many mothers like you may wish to impart these pearls of maternal wisdom in a published book for not just your sons and…