• How to Create a Memoir Outline

    Writing a memoir can be a rewarding experience for you as the writer. It allows you to share your unique story, insights, and experiences with family, friends, and the world. Embarking on such a journey, however, may feel a little overwhelming without some planning and organized thoughts. That’s why creating a memoir outline is an important first step before your write your manuscript. In this blog post, we will discuss why book outlines are helpful, examine different outlining approaches you can try, and we’re sharing an example of a memoir outline using Ernest Hemingway’s life events. 5 Ways Book Outlines…

  • Happy Ancestor Appreciation Day!

    Happy Ancestor Appreciation Day, a day to look into your family history! Most people can’t trace their lineage beyond a couple of past generations. That’s why every year on September 27th, Ancestor Appreciation Day comes to motivate families to gather and discuss their descent. Ancestor Appreciation Day helps reignite the importance of ancestry and is a day to feel motivated to ask questions and spend time with family. If you are a writer then this is a perfect writing challenge for today. Take a look at the few different ways you can observe the holiday and incorporate writing into your…

  • Choosing Stories for Your Memoir: 8 Questions to Ask Yourself

    Memoirs are the easiest to write because you have already lived the material, but they are also the most challenging to write because you have to find the balance between what stories you share and what information needs to be left out. Writing a memoir doesn’t mean you have to include every aspect of your life from birth to your current status in life. Instead, great memoir writers know to pick and choose the best, most important stories to include. Oftentimes, memoir writers focus too much on their personal catharsis and less on the end-user: the reader. In order for…

  • Establishing Rapport and Credibility in Nonfiction

    I often find myself telling authors that they must establish rapport and credibility with their readers before anyone begins reading their book. This is vital for a number of reasons. The most important reason is that as an author, you want potential, on-the-fence readers to keep reading. You want them to recommend your book to others. You want your words to be out there for everyone to read. And you want readers to finish your book feeling satisfied. So, you’re probably thinking, how this is done? Well, when we take away the actual content of the book and we focus…