• Writing a Book About Your Life

    You have been through it all—the ups, the downs, and everything in between. Now, you want to take your experiences and all you’ve learned and write a book about your life. After all, your life holds meaning and purpose, so telling it can help others find theirs. But where do you start? Writing a piece that dwells on pivotal moments in your life, reflecting on their importance, and telling your story can inspire readers and help them understand what it means to walk in your shoes. Keep reading to learn more about how to write a book about your life.…

  • How to Write Your Life Story

    One aspect of writing that I love is when we stop to look inward at ourselves. We take note of the choices we’ve made in our lives and they present a multitude of stories to tell. Most writers don’t think it is that easy. I have received a lot of messages over the years from writers who say, “No one knows me, why would they care about my story?” And, “I’m not a professional writer, so I don’t know how to get my story on paper.” I’ve said the same thing to each one of those writers, and I’m saying…

  • A Story About Me — That’s Easy, Right?

    We’ve all had that thought in our minds – “I should write down my life story and share it.” You may have endured several trials, climbed many mountains and witnessed several miracles in your timeline that could make even the most critical reader an instant fan. So, how do you start to put years of experience into a two- or three hundred-page book, preferably one that readers, outside of those you know, will want to pick up? Well, it’s not an easy feat, but taking the right steps to prepare the book will make the autobiography less impossible and more…