• Rise of the Hero: Writing the Hero’s Journey Arc

    Imagine this. A youth who lives a carefree life is suddenly thrust into a situation where they must leave behind everything they know to embark on a journey full of uncertainties and dangers to accomplish a specific task. Along the way, they meet companions and other unusual characters who either aid them or try to stand in their way. The events that unravel during this journey all lead up to one ultimate decision, one ultimate goal to make what had ultimately gone wrong right again. The youth succeeds, becoming a hero in the process, and they are rewarded with the…

  • Gearing Up for NaNoWriMo

    For writers, there is one important festivity that takes place right before the holidays. The writing event of the year — NaNoWriMo — starts November 1, and we want to make sure you’re as prepared as possible if you’re planning on participating in the 30-day sprint to a 50,000-word first draft of your next novel. Take the remaining days of October to prepare yourself with our 10 easy steps: 1. Gather your tools. Before you can participate, you have to decide what tools you’ll be using to complete your 50,000 words. First, make sure your computer is fully updated and…

  • How to Outline Your Fiction Novel

      When it comes to outlining any book many writers go about the process very differently. Some will outline their entire novel down to the most minute details. And others will wing their entire first draft. Plus, there are a group of writers who fall somewhere in the middle; they will create a loose outline that still leaves room for characters to direct the next steps. It’s important to say that there is no wrong way to outline a novel, and that includes choosing to not outline at all. Creative writing is about having the freedom to write and create…

  • Beach Read Writing: Here’s What You Need to Know

    A “beach read” is a book typically set at or near the beach, published in late spring to early summer. The intent for this popular sub-genre is to have these be the books people take to their summer vacations. The cover designs are typically colorful, with beachy aspects incorporated. Beach reads have been around for decades but didn’t become a popular sub-genre until a few years ago. This is mostly thanks to the authors who put out a summer-themed book every year at the start of summer vacation travel. Some of the big hitters in the beach read genre include Elin…