• How to Write an Easter-Themed Children’s Book

    Writing a children’s book about Easter can be an enjoyable experience. Capturing the specialness and joy of Easter that entertains young readers requires creativity. Here are some tips to help you craft a captivating Easter-themed children’s book. Write with Your Readers’ Ages Top of Mind One of the first steps of writing a children’s book is to decide on the appropriate age range for your book. Think about the story you want to tell, the themes you’ll explore in your work, and the vocabulary level you’ll use. By understanding the developmental stages and interests of different age groups, you can…

  • How to Write a Children’s Book

    Writing a children’s book may be the most fun a writer can have, but there’s a lot more planning and research that goes into children’s books than you might think. From deciding on your reading audience to making the story age-appropriate and dialing in your story to the right Flesch-Kincaid reading level, we’re covering everything in this article that you need to know about writing a great children’s book. There are five things every children’s book writer should keep in mind: 1. Decide On the Audience for Your Children’s Book Sometimes the book idea comes first, and the idea will…

  • How to Write for Kids When You Aren’t One

    To write for kids, while often thought of as easy, is more complex than writing a book for adults. The reason for that is due in large part to the specificity of each reading level. A picture book with less than five hundred words will occupy a toddler, but a first grader will better interact with a book that is considered an “easy reader,” and shows signs of a plot and loveable characters. By the time children are in second or third grade, they’ll have graduated to early chapter books, which will need stronger plot points and easy to read…

  • How To Write an Award-Winning Children’s Book

    During the month of June, we’ve been cheerleading a segment of authors who write some of the sweetest books around: those who write children’s stories. To cap things off, we’re featuring a special guest blogger, Terry Doherty of Mom’s Choice Awards and The Reading Tub. We wanted to find out what she looks for when in an award-winning children’s book, and she was kind enough to share some of her expertise! Writing for children seems like it would be easy, right? Kids have the most active imaginations, they’re open to any and all ideas, and of course they LOVE stories.…