Generalizations are a common aspect of rhetorical communication, as it creates a common ground in conversation. In any area of education and entertainment, viewers/readers are subjected to generalizations, as they are easy to relate to and often contain a grain of truth. This post will briefly examine the pros and cons of generalizations/stereotypes and the importance of citing content in your manuscript. Generalizations are convenient, because the writer is allowed to classify a subject effectively. They function as stereotypes would to bring awareness to commonly known subject matters. However, this can be tricky, because there are always exceptions to stereotypes…
Since I started here as an editor at Xulon Press, nearly eight weeks ago, I have read at least one hundred manuscripts. Almost every manuscript I have edited and reviewed has been nonfiction. They have all been unique in their focus, voice, and message, but almost all of them have contained at least one “common writing error” that I usually have to suggest needs to be changed. The top three “common writing errors” I personally have picked up on are as follows (in no particular order): overusing the exclamation point, writing words/phrases in all capital letters, and misplacing of the…
Books need to be a lot of things if anyone is going to buy and read them: engaging, informative and cohesive, amongst others. Choosing a Bible version is crucial to your book—just not in the way you think. Most authors choose a version based on whether it is in the public domain or because they want to build a message around the exact words in that version. However, those are not the right reasons. The King James translation is not the only one that can be used without written permission. The ESV may be quoted up to 1,000 verses without express written permission…
Your friendly neighborhood Xulon Press editors really want you to get the most out of the Manuscript Review service, so we decided to give you more details about it. Whether you are still thinking about becoming a Xulon Press author or you have recently purchased a publishing package, we hope this breakdown will help you get the full benefits of the service. There are four parts to the Manuscript Review. The first is the General Overview in which the editor expresses what he or she understands the purpose and message of the book to be. The next section covers the…