• The Xulon Experience: Author Pam Mann

    Xulon Press author Pam Mann, who recently published her second book No Mountain Too High, shares with readers the enjoyment she had with both of her publishing experiences with Xulon Press. She discusses the comforting guidance she felt from representatives during the publishing process and how she hopes to encourage others to have their books printed as well, especially with Xulon. 1) How did you come to know Xulon Press and its services? I found Xulon on online and I did my own research on the company. I liked the way the books looked. I was so green while writing…

  • From the Desk of the Sales Director: A Letter From One Pastor to Another

    Every October we observe Pastor Appreciation Month, a time we dedicate to recognizing and honoring the men and women who serve God. It’s an important time to give back to those who give their all for the cause of Christ and His Kingdom. Pastors deserve our thanks and encouragement, because no other occupation goes through both the struggles of this world and the struggles of an unseen world like ministry. I know this struggle myself because I have been a pastor for over 20 years, and I was a church planter before I came to work at Xulon Press. Nothing…

  • God’s Unrelenting Mercy: An Interview with Breast Cancer Survivor, Gail Pelletier

    For the month of October Xulon Press is taking the time to reach out to those who have recovered from breast cancer, those who have never been diagnosed with breast cancer, and those who may have lost someone to breast cancer. Gail Pelletier, a Xulon employee and breast cancer survivor shares her compelling testimony in an interview. Krystina: Hello Gail. Let’s begin with giving readers a brief overview of what you do at Xulon Press. Gail: I am a Interior Book Designer or (Typesetter) for the Production Department at Xulon Press. K: It is understood that you’ve been here for…

  • Celebrations, Sweater Weather and Pretty Pink Ribbons: An Ode to October at Xulon Press

    I love the month of October. Football season is in full swing, pumpkin coffee permeates the air at the coffee shop where I write and—mysteriously—crystal dishes of mini chocolate bars appear on every desk. In Florida, we don’t get the same spectacle of changing forestry as other regions, but the temp drops below ninety, teasing you with the promise of sweater-weather and the advent of the holiday season. I like to think of October as the Faberge egg of the calendar: gorgeous and glittering on the outside, just waiting to be opened so it can spill the sparkling jewels of…