• What to Know About Co-Authoring a Book

    There are steps you have to take when co-authoring that you wouldn’t typically think about if writing solo. Having a writing partner can be very beneficial when it comes to splitting the work and dividing tasks based on strengths and weaknesses. But there are also a handful of steps you should take when co-authoring a book that you wouldn’t typically have to think about if you wrote solo. Here are 10 tips about co-authoring a book: 1. Pick someone with a similar writing style and work ethic as yours. The best way to get your joint writing project off the…

  • Video Marketing For Self-Published Authors

    Video marketing is something that a lot of indie (self-published) authors can neglect. Using visuals can increase awareness of your book as well as introduce the author behind the book to the readers.  3 Ways to Use Videos to Promote Your Book 1. Book Trailers Book trailers have the same effect on viewers as movie trailers do: they create awareness of your book and hopefully entice the audience to purchase it. Video trailers can provide a preview of the story or a glimpse of a scene to elicit curiosity. To make a great book trailer you should keep the video…

  • Book Endorsement vs. Book Review

    Book Endorsements A book endorsement is an advanced, positive review for your book, usually from someone influential to your new book’s audience. Normally, you want to secure endorsements before the release of your book. It’s common to see endorsements on the… Front or back cover of your book. Inside the book in the front pages. Your website. Marketing materials. Book Reviews Endorsements exist to support the author’s book marketing. Reviews, on the other hand, are designed to help readers decide which books to read. Of course, you can always pull positive excerpts from reviews to use in the same way…

  • How Your Book is Also Your Magazine Pitch

    Writing for a magazine might not have been the first thing you considered when you decided to write a book. But did you know there have been countless authors that were once journalists before they released award-winning books? Not to mention, using your new book as a magazine pitch could also grant you a new career path in publications.  When pitching to a magazine you should have an important reason in mind about why you’re the one who’s meant to write that specific piece. Ideally, the piece you’re pitching should relate to your book in some way. Writing for a…