• On Comfort

    What do chicken piccata, Xulon Press books and uncles have to do with each other? Well, before I get into that, I’d like to address the current conundrum of “comfort food”. As part of Foodie Month here at Xulon, I think it’s important to discuss this term and do it some justice. Let’s be honest, comfort food has gotten a bad rap in the past few years of the American “get fit” revolution. Now that everyone’s vegan, drinking smart water and ashamed if they don’t have a gym membership complete with Zumba classes, saying those two words has become completely…

  • The Makings of a Mother

    When I was in the editorial meeting for planning upcoming blog topics and we arrived at the idea of a Mother’s Day post, Xulon Press author Mary Oksman came to mind like a flash of lightning. I came into contact with Mary because I was assigned to fulfill the editorial service she purchased as well as write her custom Press Release. What a blessing it was to interact with her, answer her questions and learn about her life. Mary is a Registered Dietician and Certified Diabetes Educator. In addition to working with the mentally ill and developmentally disabled, she has…

  • Author Inspirations: Words from the Winner of the January Christian Choice Writing Contest

    Ruth Long is upfront about it: she has been a cancer patient for three years. As a self-employed CPA with international clients, she is busy all year long, but especially since tax season is upon us. She’s done a lot of writing as an accountant, including copy for financial statements and official letters to clients, but has never written creatively before now. Why, then, did she choose now to write and of all things, to write so vulnerably about her experience with cancer? These questions were on my mind the instant I finished proofing her writing contest entry titled “Diagnosis:…