• Creating a Business Plan as a Writer

    Whether you’re working towards a traditional publishing contract or self-publishing, a carefully crafted business plan can help you establish a plan of action as well as a guide for how you will administer your resources. What good is a goal without a well-timed action plan to get there? What Should Be Included in Writers’ Business Plans To aid in this, I’ve broken down the writers’ business plan into five sections: Mindset, Finance, Marketing, Sales, and Operations. Mindset: Personal Development When you’re ready to take writing seriously, you have to shift your mindset. You can’t think of writing as something you…

  • 7 Tips To Stay Creative

    Every-day life routines can start feeling mundane after a while. And if you’re like many of us, quarantining at home due to the current global pandemic COVID-19, life at home will definitely start feeling tedious pretty soon (if it’s not already). It’s important to shake things up a bit to stay sharp and full of fresh ideas. We’re constantly writing new stories and trying to find the next big hit, but after a while, it can become challenging to do something new. In order to raise your level of expertise, authority, and innovation as a writer, you have to become…

  • Social Media for Unpublished Authors

    If you’re an unpublished author, you might be delaying building your social media presence. If this is you I’m here to tell you that you should be doing the exact opposite. I would even say you have an advantage because you can build your presence and demand before your book is even out. You have the power to build anticipation and get pre-orders going. The sooner you start, the bigger your audience will be by the time your work is ready. Having a social media presence is essential for all writers in today’s digital age. Regardless of which genre you…

  • How to Write a Captivating Short Story

    According to the Merriam-Webster dictionary, a short story is defined as an invented narrative that’s shorter than a novel, deals with a few characters, and often concentrates on the creation of mood rather than plot. A short story can come in varying shapes and sizes: Traditional: 1,500-5000 words Flash Fiction: 500-1,000 words Micro Fiction: 5-350 words Writing a short story can sometimes be more difficult than writing a full novel. You have to captivate your readers, take them on a journey to a different world, and create character and story depth, all in under 5,000 words. That is why your first…