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Why We Write: Writing As Your Catharsis

writingWriting has always been a highly functional tool of self-expression for people, and writing as a way to express what’s on your heart and spirit has been found to have healing benefits. When you write about an isolated traumatic incident, which has changed you for better or for worse, it allows you to do something tangible. Turning writing into a form of therapy that is a powerful tool for healing, as you recall memories and pains you may have suppressed over time.You are the master of your own story, as you create something magical with that experience.

In writing what burdens your heart, you create new revelations to things unsettled in your spirit, exhaling any repressed emotions; you are then giving your pain, shame, doubt, hurt a tangible presence. If you are writing textbooks, you are sharing knowledge to inspire readers’ intellect, while expressing the intelligence of your wisdom. You can write to reflect on the death of a loved one, for example. Are there any songs, sights, discussions, or places you hold dear to your heart, which remind you of that person? Dedicating a written piece to that person is a beautiful way to commemorate his or her legacy.

Writing is especially cathartic after you have overcome trying circumstances that God has given you to bring you closer to Him. What emotions did you experience? What wisdom have you gained? Disclosing these bits of your experiences helps you heal, and also creates a community in the readership. Readers, having been through similar experiences can connect with you, as they bear witness to ways you have healed, as you purge yourself through these thoughts, ideas and sentiments. You can also write to express your unique talents, while giving glory to God in the process, and be a influence to many who have stories to tell, but are too reticent to know where to begin.

Prompt: A great place to begin writing can be from old journals you’ve created. Is there a significant story waiting to be told? Do you have any artwork you can translate into words, songs, and/or poems, which can help trigger a story or book? This is a great place to start. Explore methods and reasons for writing, as you complete your next book of poetry, fiction, or non-fiction.

Remember you can lean on Xulon Press to help make your book as strong as it can be. Make the decision to write and get started by downloading your FREE Publishing Guide.


Krystina Murray is a Staff Editor at Xulon Press with over six years of editing experience. When she isn't helping writers improve their manuscripts, she devotes her time to crafting poetry and short stories, maintains an exciting food blog and completes copy writing advertisements for small businesses.

2 Comments on “Why We Write: Writing As Your Catharsis

  1. Thank you for this. I feel that my story is filled with some pretty intense traumatic events, childhood abuses, into my two marriages with one husband an abuser of my children that my Lord has brought me out of. I really wasn’t sure where to begin, but this blog gives me a start I needed.

  2. That is an Excellent article. You have opened up a lot of experiences I’ve been through in my life and how the Hand of GOD has been on my life, All of my life, keeping me and bringing Me Through to where I am today. Only by His Grace!!! Thank You!!!!

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