June Author of the Month; Sarah Marie Patterson
Author of the Month

June Author of the Month: Sarah Patterson

Sarah Marie Patterson, a Christian doctor and writer native to Phoenix, Arizona, graciously shares the inner workings of her heart and soul with all who are willing to listen through powerful poetry. Her experiences as a woman dealing with mental illness, unexpected heartbreak, and harsh challenges during her medical career prove that there is nothing that cannot be overcome with the strength and support of friends, family, and most importantly, our Heavenly Father.

Keep reading to learn more about Sarah Marie Patterson, our Xulon Press June Author of the Month.

Sarah’s Poetry Collections

In her three-book series of poetry collections, Heart Fire, Heart Song, and Heart Healing,Sarah masterfully manipulates words and sounds to create a myriad of poems that amplify the beat of her heart and strum of her soul. With a variety of structures, poetic elements, and raw authenticity, she leaves nothing left unsaid, unfelt, and undiscovered. Each poetry collection focuses on a different theme, a specific layer of her personal journey, that emphasizes the pain, the perseverance, and the growth she experienced throughout her life.

Heart Fire, the first in the series, gives readers an initial peak into Sarah Marie’s life. Specifically, each poem centers on the sorrow and pain she felt when enduring issues with her mental health while offering glimpses of hope, marking the beginning of her spiritual relationship with the Lord. Her second poetry collection, Heart Song, takes this spiritual awakening a step further by exploring the vastness of His love and mercy, a deeper discovery of His eternal grace. Lastly, Heart Healing closes this collection with poignancy and clarity, highlighting the realization that others can benefit from learning about God and His Kingdom and Sarah’s desire to lead people to Christ.

What We Loved About Sarah Patterson’s Work

Along with examining the complexities of God and His benevolence, Sarah Marie also sprinkles in moving poems about her life and loved ones. From topics that encapsulate her experiences and knowledge as a medical professional, the realities of mental illness, and the pride she holds for her family members, each poem conveys specificity, relatability vulnerability, evoking strong emotions within readers regardless of their background. The scope of each poetry collection is tremendous and diverse, taking readers up and down, in and out, and under and over.

As an advocate for people who struggle with mental health who are imprisoned, live in poverty, or have special needs, Sarah Marie is a bright light that gives a voice to those who have been silenced by society. Her passions and convictions enable her to guide the broken and lost into God’s unconditional love, ushering them from a place of darkness into one where beauty and fulfillment reigns. Her unashamed praise to and faith in God demonstrates her willingness to lead others to Him so they all may enjoy eternity together.   

Not only does Sarah Marie possess an extraordinary skill to write poetry, but she is also blessed with the God-given gift to deeply inspire others and reveal the grace of God in uniquely powerful ways. Her story serves as a testimony of God’s unfailing promise that He will never abandon His children. In the same way, Sarah Marie never gives up on herself or her readers, ensuring that her faith shall never waver, and her perseverance shall never crumble.

Sarah Marie Patterson’s poetry collections will be published by Xulon Press, an imprint of Salem Author Services.

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Isabella Ciraco is an editor at Salem Author Services. She enjoys helping authors reach their full potential in their writing. In her free time, Isabella enjoys baking, writing poetry, and spending time with her loved ones and furry friends.

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