Justin W. Dunn is the Founder and CEO of American Mustang School in Aberdeen, North Carolina. The school promotes mental health and wellness through the preservation of the American Mustang Horses. Dunn’s book A Horse to Guide Me was selected by the Xulon Press staff as our April Book of the Month.
To learn more about A Horse to Guide Me and its author, we interviewed Justin W. Dunn for all the details on our latest Book of the Month.
What inspired you to write A Horse to Guide Me?
I have been developing my business for 18+ years now. It took 10 years to learn, four years to refine, and four more to enjoy huge successes. In the beginning, I trained many horses, and wrote notes (training logs). I provided services to over 5,000 people in less than a decade in my business. And in that time of training horses, and providing services such as trail rides (horseback), camping, fishing, hunting trips with horses, I interviewed thousands of people and found that I had a unique gift/skill in helping people develop awareness, and an ability to change themselves and their situations in life.
Discovering the very unique and valuable skill of awareness in horsemanship, alignment in laws of nature with building relationships with wild Mustang horses and thousands of people, adults, children, sick, healthy, etc., [it all] lead me to write my book, A Horse to Guide Me.
How long did it take you to write your book?
I decided to write my book in April 2022 and sat down to write on May 10, 2022. I gave myself one year, and it was released on May 1, 2023. So, I beat my one-year goal! However, I realized that I’ve been living my life to create the book. The book won an award in November 2023, too!
Were there any challenges you faced while writing this book, and if so, how did you overcome them?
The challenges of writing my first book were not realized until after the book was published. It had not occurred to me that most people are not self-disciplined enough to commit to writing a book. Training wild Mustang horses helped me understand commitment, the laws of nature, and how to navigate the game of life.
I actually felt inspired to write my book. To share something so unique and valuable with others was an absolute pleasure for getting to benefit from the information myself. I’m here today because I had access to the information, and I know it’s not easily accessible to the masses.
Was there a specific part of your publishing journey that you enjoyed more than you thought you would?
I especially liked the editing part of my self-publishing journey. Being able to collaborate with someone on my ideas, and to formulate them into words that flow into tangible rewards for the reader that they can benefit from in their own life is so liberating. Helping others to feel what I get to experience each day is truly meaningful and gives my life purpose.
One other thing: The feedback from readers is amazing. I never could have predicted the types of people who would read my book. I have gotten absolutely phenomenal feedback and reviews from very high-minded individuals that I just couldn’t have predicted. Also, [I can’t believe] the many different countries my book has gone to—the feedback from them is just awesome.
What do you hope readers will take away from your book?
What I hope readers will take away from reading my book, is an understanding that they can create the life they want to live. Through horsemanship I was able to get nature to reveal to me the secrets that are hidden from most everyone. I was able to get people to reveal to me the secrets they hide from others. They don’t need a horse to access what I explain in my book, but it will serve to guide them effectively and efficiently in gaining an intricate understanding.
I didn’t force, or take anything from horses, nature, or other people. I simply aligned myself with the laws that govern the universe (one song) and attracted the information (energy) to create the life I want to live. [Living with] wild Mustang Horses in the mountains of Colorado, separated from outside influences such as cell phones and the internet, for 8 of 13 years allowed me access to what most people will never have access to.
Are you working on anything new at the moment that we can share with readers?
Today, I am a life coach through horsemanship, and attract the clients I want to work with, on what I want to work on, when I want to work. [It’s] true freedom to live the life I truly love living. Although I am always writing (daily), I am not committed to writing anything at this time, but I do see another book one day. I think I’ll compile notes for the next few years as I explore this next transition.
Meet Justin W. Dunn
Justin W. Dunn specializes in training wild horses (mustangs) and horses with undesirable behavior issues. He has nine horses, which consist of BLM Mustangs, rescue horses, and some once-considered untrainable horses. Justin trains horses for a higher purpose and his horses help him be able to help others.
His team of horses has helped with a camp for children with cancer for six years, as well as an at-risk children’s program and countless clinics for people wanting to learn horsemanship.
Justin is recognized as a top trainer and clinician at the national level. He has traveled all over the country, sharing with people what horses share with him. His passion is to help people understand horses and to help horses understand people.
Justin believes in the humane treatment of horses, never using pain or fear to force submission, creating a willing partner in the relationship. He never uses metal bits, spurs, or whips on the horses to communicate. Justin created and uses the Justin Dunn Bitless Bridle, which is manufactured by Weaver Leather. His bridle is used by thousands of people all over the world.
Justin W. Dunn is also a Whole Life Coach and he coaches people to become better through the practice of horsemanship. He also focuses on his family and their needs. They love to do escape rooms because it’s bonding time and they get to overcome a challenge together.
Where to Purchase A Horse to Guide Me

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