• Writing Documents: Google Docs vs. Microsoft Word to Write Your Manuscript

    When it comes to writing documents, like your manuscript, there are two popular options to consider: Google Docs or Microsoft Word. Both word-processing tools offer unique features and benefits that can enhance your writing experience. In this blog post, we will explore the advantages and considerations of writing documents using each platform. Benefits of Using Microsoft Word to Write Your Manuscript Microsoft Word has long been a go-to tool for writers. Here are some benefits of using Word to write your manuscript: Benefits of Using a Google Document to Write Your Manuscript While Microsoft Word is a popular choice, Google…

  • 5 Ideas to Promote Your Self-Published Book

    Writing and producing a book is just a small part of the publishing process. Marketing and promoting the finished product are also key in ensuring you see success with your self-published book. While self-publishing has made it easier to get your work out to the world, the truth is that without proper marketing, your book may not receive the attention it deserves. So, how can you effectively market your self-published book? Here are five easy ways that authors can use to promote their work: 1. Leverage Social Media Platforms Social media platforms, such as Facebook, Twitter (X), Instagram, and LinkedIn,…

  • Standard Book Sizes (Trim Sizes) in Publishing

    If you’ve wandered the aisles of a bookstore, you know that book sizes can vary a lot. But did you know each book genre has a standard set of trim sizes? Plus, the trim size and final page count of a book contribute to the retail price of each book. These choices are made by the publisher when books are traditionally published, but if you self-publish your book you’ll be responsible for choosing the trim size for your book. Choosing the right trim size is determined by the genre of your book and a few other factors. For example, if…

  • Do Publishers Edit Your Book?

    People often ask me whether publishers edit their books or not, and I always respond with “It depends.” If you choose the traditional publishing route, editors within your publishing house will not only edit your manuscript, but your literary agent will also make edits and note revisions for you to make. If you opt to self-publish your book, you will be responsible for having and paying for editing services for your manuscript. In this post, we’ll explore how book editing works both when your book is traditionally published and when you self-publish your book. How Book Editing Works When Your…