If you’re an unpublished author, you might be delaying building your social media presence. If this is you I’m here to tell you that you should be doing the exact opposite. I would even say you have an advantage because you can build your presence and demand before your book is even out. You have the power to build anticipation and get pre-orders going. The sooner you start, the bigger your audience will be by the time your work is ready.
Having a social media presence is essential for all writers in today’s digital age. Regardless of which genre you write, it can help boost your audience and make more people notice you and your work. Having a social media presence also gives readers somewhere to find out more information about you. You can engage your following with new blogs, upcoming events, live Q&As, just to name a few. Possibilities are endless on social media.
“If I don’t have a book published what would attract a following?”
Even as an unpublished author, you can start by writing blogs, providing book reviews, sharing writing tips, creative writing exercises, giveaways, etc. Trust me, the ideas of what to do on social media will keep flowing after you’ve fully submerged yourself in it. For more ideas, you can also follow similar accounts for inspiration. See what others are doing and what’s working for them. And don’t be afraid to connect with them and ask for advice! This can result in some industry friends which can be very beneficial. For example, you can create writing challenges and tag your industry friends to try out the challenge! You could end up creating trends in the writing community and buzz around your account.
Social Media Platforms Every Writer Needs To Be On
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