Books can provide some of the best lessons. In light of the new year, we’ve compiled a list of books to read to keep you inspired as you move through 2021.

10 Books to Read That Inspire Change

Books can provide some of the best lessons. In light of the new year, we’ve compiled a list of books to read to keep you inspired as you move through 2021.

Books can provide some of the best lessons. We just have to allow ourselves to fully take in their messages and do the work in our own lives. From creating new, healthier habits to working through fear, there is plenty of growth we can accomplish by listening to authors who have already done the work. In light of the new year, we’ve compiled a list of books to read to keep you inspired as you move through 2021.

10 Books to Read That Can Inspire Change

1. The Power of Habit

If you’re looking to understand how habits are formed within our brains and how to rewire bad habits with good habits, this book is for you.

2. The Best Yes

Are you saying “yes” to everything but God? If you’re overwhelmed by the busyness of life and the stress that comes with it, this book is for you.

3. Atomic Habits

If you’ve tried to change bad habits several times and can’t seem to shake them, this book can help you train yourself to rewire your systems to help you succeed with change. 

4. Do It Afraid

Joyce Meyer’s new book focuses on embracing and relishing in courage when fear wants you to quit.

5. Respond Up: Turn Any Obstacle Into Greatness

We all face various obstacles in life. Some of those obstacles merely slow us down and others stop us in our tracks. This book helps readers understand that their obstacles don’t mean they are defeated and that there can be greatness afterward.

6. Dream Big

Bob Goff’s new book is all about rediscovering your dreams and learning how to finally make them realities.

7. Fighting Forward

Do you believe the lies you tell yourself or the lies society imposes on you? If so, Hannah Brencher’s new book should move to the top of your “to-read list.”

8. Start. Punch Fear in the Face

We all have two choices in life: We can maintain the status quo our lives present or we can break out and achieve greatness we never thought we could. This book helps readers learn how to do the work that matters.

9. Triggers

If you’ve ever experienced triggers and don’t fully understand how or why they are able to set you off like they do, this book is a must-read.

10. Don’t Just Speak It, Write It. How Every Pastor Can Become a Published Author

Are you mulling over the thought of writing a book but don’t know what it takes to truly write a book that meets a need? This book can help you find the insight you need to move forward with your writing goals.

Tell us. What’s been your favorite “fresh start” book? Have you read any on our list?

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Erika Bennett is the Content Manager for Xulon Press. She has worked in the publishing industry for more than a decade and her passion is to make sure great books find their way into readers' hands. You can also find her writing on

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