• 10 Words to Cut From Your Manuscript

    Editing your own writing will never be the easiest part of the writing journey, but knowing what to look for can make the task a whole lot simpler. Working with the publishing company Xulon Press for a decade now has taught me a lot to say the least. A common mistake my editing eye has picked up on is what I like to call the use of filler words. Excessive use of these words elongates your manuscript but does not advance your story.  As a rule of thumb, avoid using words that end in -ly, such as quickly, readily, suddenly,…

  • Why Every Writer Needs a Business Plan

    As you’ve probably noticed, there’s no such thing as “only being a writer” anymore. And while many writers might not want to handle the business side of things, to give yourself and your books the best chance of success, it’s a must. If you’re hoping to turn that passion for writing into a career, having a well thought out business plan in place will be essential. It’s time to overcome that idea that as an author your only job will be to write. Whether you’re working towards a traditional publishing contract or self-publishing, a carefully crafted business plan can help…

  • How To Get Book Reviews

    1️⃣ Find your target audience. This is the first and most important step. You can put every effort into marketing your book, although you might get some response, it will not be anywhere near successful if you’re not targeting the correct readers. What is or how do you find your target audience you may be wondering? In simple terms, a target audience just means breaking down who you believe your book’s audience is (demographics, location, and interests). For a full breakdown, check out our blog Finding Your Target Audience.  2️⃣ Find blogs with readers that fit your target audience. Now…

  • Finding Your Target Audience (and why it’s so important).

    If you’ve published or want to publish any work, whether it’s a novel, a blog, or an essay, you need to know your target audience. While it’s important to reach as many people as possible, and it often seems like focusing only on certain segments of the population is limiting, you need to be direct. We’ll go through the why that is, what it is, and how to go about it. Why You can put every effort into marketing your book, and although you might get some response, it will not be anywhere near as successful as it could be…