• 5 Infographics Every Writer Should See—The Fiction Edition!

    Writing fictional narratives is tricky business; you are building entire people from scratch, and sometimes even entire worlds or universes. Time, sensory details, emotions, and plot all have to work together and seem effortless—even though writing it that way is anything but. When it comes to writing fiction, everyone can use a little help sometimes. We have already covered some infographics all writers should see, but what about all of you fiction and narrative writers out there? Are you looking for writing tools to show you how to write a story? If you need to pull your characters into focus,…

  • The Best Books to Read for Summer 2016

    Do you know what’s synonymous with summer vacation? Summer reading. No, not the boring list you received from your high school English teacher that you needed to complete before returning to school in September. I’m talking about no-obligation, fun, summer books that are meant to be enjoyed by a pool, on the beach, or in a cabin tucked high in the mountains. If the community pool is your summer refuge, have no worries. The best books to read for summer 2016 are here, and they can transport you to any vacation locale your heart desires! So, what makes a great summer read…

  • On Father’s Day: How God Uses Neckties and Tea Cups To Love on His Children

    This weekend we will once again honor our fathers on Father’s Day. Like many of you, I will hear expressions of love from my own children, while also reaching out to my own dad. It is a wonderful day full of love and admiration. Recently, as I was getting dressed for a wedding and working on a new necktie I bought for the occasion, I had this thought about neckties. Some people believe neckties were created to torture modern man (and I tend to agree with that as well). I also had this thought: perhaps God created neckties. Not to torture everyone who doesn’t want…

  • 10 Steps For Starting Your Author Blog

    Last month we talked about why every author should have a blog, and your response to that post was huge. We consistently received the same question in response: “How do I start a blog?” There are lots and lots of resources out there for newbies who want to start a blog, but to get you going, here are ten steps to starting a blog. Register with a blogging site. There’s many options, but two of the most popular are Blogger.com, WordPress.com (free), or WordPress.org (paid, self-hosted blog; allows for the most customization). Buy a domain. If you use Blogger or…