Xulon Press author Mary Hinson
Author of the Month

Author of the Month: Mary Hinson

Xulon Press Author Mary Hinson - God's Word for Beginners of All AgesIt is our pleasure to share a truly inspirational story that just may touch the heart strings. The Xulon Press Successful Author Spotlight showcases a first time author, at age 84, Mary Hinson, who enlisted the help of her family members to write her book “God’s Word for Beginners of All Ages”. It is truly a family project – Mary had the whole family involved – even her daughter-in-law and sisters helped because Mary doesn’t own a computer, so she leaned on her family to type up her book, which was originally done years ago for her family members only. This experience has become a family affair with her family helping her get it done. In an age where family has drifted apart and so many of our elderly are not respected as they should be, Mary’s family has made getting this book done and fulfilling a lifetime goal of Mary’s their number one priority—all for Mary!

Mary’s book proclaims “Mary Hinson has fond memories of learning the Bible stories with her mother and siblings before she went to bed at night and knows that each person’s introduction to the Bible can start in a similar way. For some, it is in childhood and for others as teenagers. Still others come to experience the Bible as adults. For anyone in his or her beginning stages, Mary has put together an exciting compilation of the amazing Bible heroes and their stories. With just the right amount of context she introduces each story and then lets readers know where they can find the rest in the pages of God’s Holy Word.”

The book continues. “People of all ages will really find this book helpful as they make their first foray into the world of Hebrew and Christian history. They will meet people like Abraham, Moses and Joshua, learn about the pinnacles and pitfalls of the Israelite people, then move on into the gospels. There they will meet the most important person of all: their Savior Jesus Christ. They will read about His travels, His mission and His miracles, which will make them see how He changed the world and how He can change their lives. Join Mary Hinson on a journey into the beautiful new world of God’s love message to all His children on earth.”

I felt like I was on a journey with Mary as my navigator. Once you speak with Mary, you realize that she is just as inviting and disarming as her book’s excerpt describes. Mary is the grandmother we all hoped to have or remember having. She is loving and endearing and full of God’s love, and she invites you to sit a spell and just share the goodness of her Lord and Savior.

And you are amazed at how comforted you are by her words and stories, and you cannot believe how quickly time passes while listening to Mary share her stories.

As we began our conversation, I asked Mary “What one past experience changed the course of your life?” She shared “When the children’s father fell dead in the back yard. With 76 cents in his pocket. I had two young teenage sons. I play the piano. I was asked to help an evangelist from Dallas, and the Lord said “go”. I helped him with several revivals, playing piano. I learned so much about depending on the Lord during that time. My husband was not a believer. I never got to do what I wanted to do, going to church, because he didn’t want to go. I lived in Thicket, Texas when he passed away. He passed in April. I got a job working in a nursing home until August of that year. Then I got the call to go with the evangelist. My son played guitar. I took the boys with me. George, 16, played guitar; the younger one, 14, Carl, he helped out also. The biggest lesson was that I could rely on the Lord. I had been sheltered. My dad was very strict. I did learn that I could rely on the Lord for everything I needed for my sons. I spent three months on the road with the evangelist. I moved from Thicket to Dallas, where I bought a house, by a miracle with just a small down payment. I sold it two years later when I moved to Votaw, Texas where I met my final husband. We knew him for years, and his wife had died around the same time, so we got together. We were married 42 years. He passed away 3 years ago.”

I continued by asking “What was your writing method when you started this project?” Mary explained “My sister and my daughter-in-law helped me by typing. I don’t own a computer and I don’t type. They typed it up for me and submitted it. The book was a miracle. I have told my children and grandchildren these stories as I helped raise them. Neenaw is what the grandkids call me- I have two biological granddaughters and 2 step granddaughters. On March 19th of this year, in my prayer time, I had started to write these little stories, one or two, and a voice said “it’s time to publish those stories”. I said, “excuse me?” And the voice said “it’s time to publish these stories”. I went to prayer meeting and mentioned it at the prayer meeting. They encouraged me. The pastor brought me home that night and said “this is going to work”. And one month and one day later, 94 stories later, the book was written. I finished it in five weeks. I heard about Xulon, I called them and accepted working with Tracy Sullivan. I am very happy with the finished  product. It has been well received.”

As we talked more about her life, I asked “What is the most important life event you have had?” Mary responded “Accepting the Lord at age ten. I am so happy that I accepted the Lord so young because I don’t have a lot of sin scars. I was a Christian during my teenage years so I didn’t have the sin. I say “God is not a part of my life—God is my life!”

When I asked Mary “What message do you want shared by the story of your life?” she wholeheartedly explained “At age eleven, I learned about Dorcas/Tabitha in the New Testament. I have spent my life trying to help people. 14 years ago, I started making quilts that I have given away—I have given hundreds of quilts to Salvation Army, Shiloh Ministries, to men’s ministries and women’s ministries, to homeless shelters. I have arthritis that God healed. I tie the quilts. I put an old sheet in between, so it’s like three sheets. I don’t use cotton, because that’s hard to wash…but with these that I make, they can wash them. This helps with the shelters to be able to wash the quilts after the homeless use them. My life’s ambition was to be a bible teacher—I wanted to teach—but I heard that teaching was a prestigious job but no one wants to sew on buttons. I said “excuse me sir, I will sew on buttons”. I travel down to Victory, Texas where Shiloh Ministries is headquartered. I stay one day and mend all the sewing that they need. That’s what I do each month.”

This wonderful woman of faith and works inspired me. I asked “What would you tell others about your relationship with Christ that would inspire them?” She shared “God doesn’t always pay on Friday–but He does take care of those who depend on Him. I’ve never had a big amount of money, but I’ve always had what I needed to have. I would like to encourage people to finish what they start. When God tells you to do something- do it! When you have a job to do, do it with all of your might. That’s what I try to do with my life. Do what He asks me to do.”

As I asked my signature question “What will they write on your gravestone that will sum up your life?” Mary beamed as she proclaimed “She walked with God and He took her – That your hand finds to do, do it with all of your might!”

I asked Mary “What inspires you?” She spoke with confidence as she reported “Reading His Word; when I deliver these quilts to places, the boys and the girls come back and give me testimonies, and that inspires me. If I were teaching the bible stories, I may not get to hear their stories. I tell them to leave me a note of what they need me to do, and sometimes, they leave a testimony or a bible verse. One young man left Hebrews 6:10 “For God is not unrighteous in your love that He has seen to minister to his saints” The young man was thanking me for all I did. Another girl said “you’re the first person to make me want more of God”. That made me cry. I taught her in Sunday school, back in the day, and I never knew.”

Mary continued to share her testimony: “I have RH negative blood– lost four babies due to this. I prayed and God said “Just think, you gave that baby a chance to get to Heaven just by conceiving it. I will have four babies to meet in Heaven.”

Mary had recited scripture throughout our conversation, so I asked her “What is your theme scripture and why?” Mary told the story “When my baby boy was five months old, I had bladder problems. They thought it could be cancer of the bladder. They wanted to send me to a cancer specialist. I prayed Romans 12:1 . I promised God that if He would allow me to live until my boy was 18 years old, “I will present my body as a living sacrifice to you to be used for you however you see fit”. I have tried to follow that scripture ever since that day!”

Respecting the wealth of wisdom Sister Mary Hinson possesses from her years of faithful service to our Lord and Savior, I asked her “What would you share with a young person today?” She beamed with joy as she exclaimed “I was just trying to do what I felt that He wanted me to do and stay in the center of His will; get saved young– no promise of tomorrow; let God direct you. You may slip but you will never fall when you trust the Lord. God is not mad at youJesus took care of that!

As we came to a close of our insightful and inspiring conversation, I asked this mighty woman of God, “When you get to Heaven, what do you want to hear The Lord say to you?” She became emotional as she whispered “Well done, my good and faithful servant!”

Having met and spoken to Sister Mary Hinson, I now understand the treasure she is to both her family and to all who are blessed to come into contact with her. She is an inspiration to all who are on their journey with our Savior. She has proven what a reward it is to live for Christ your whole life, with nothing missed, nothing lost, only what she has in Christ matters. She is an example to all of us to remember that Jesus is not mad at us—and only what we do for God matters.

Whether it’s playing piano, making quilts or sewing on buttons—as Mary says, “do it with all of your might!”

And as Mary’s life proves—there is nothing more worthwhile than a life lived for Christ!

Mary inspires us all to never give up and to always do our best.

And to keep telling our little stories to each new generation.

Because – we’re listening!

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Alan P. Scaglione is a writer who reflects on the simple contradictions and complexities to living this ”gift from God” called life. He believes that Life is a journey that, with compassion, a little levity and perspective, we help each other get through. His greatest compliment was being told “you draw pictures with your words!” He has devoted his life to “drawing”...in his poetry, his songs, his weekly “Reflections of Life” blog entries, his monthly SAS articles, his short stories and now, his novels! Alan is an everyday guy who refuses to let circumstances dictate his view to life; he lives an attitude of gratitude and spreads his positive outlook everywhere he goes. His BEST day is a day shared making a memory that will last a lifetime! Please check out Alan's books "One Unexpected Event - How Would Your Life Change?" and its sequel “One Unexpected Event - Aftermath!” in the Xulon Press bookstore.

One comment on “Author of the Month: Mary Hinson

  1. I am truly blessed and a better person for knowing Mary and having the chance to work with her. She is an amazing woman. She was a referral of another great man and author, Mr. Maynard Bork.

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