Today’s Xulon Press Successful Author Spotlight showcases world renowned speaker Dr. Deborah Starczewski, www.starministriesinc.com, evangelist, teacher and author of “A Leap of Faith: 25 days at the Mercy Seat” which was published by Xulon Press in 2013, recounting her life changing experiences while her husband Dan faced uncertain times battling a life threatening heart condition and “God’s Priceless Treasures” published in 2011, which encourages the reader to find their purpose in God and fulfill their destiny while recognizing that Jesus is alive and the Word of God is relevant today. Her ministries, Star National Outreach Worldwide (SNOW) and Star Ministries, are both founded on scriptures that tell us “Whatever He says- you do!”, John 2:5 (Deborah’s life verse and also her car license plate), and “Taking His message to all the nations!”, Matthew 24:14. Deborah’s exuberance for the ministry and her passion for people are felt immediately as she begins to speak about her life’s journey and how Christ is at the core of her desire to be a “God-pleaser” and not a “man-pleaser”.
Her effervescent personality captures the listener as she shares the testimonies of her son Landon’s and her husband Dan’s healings that were detailed in Deborah’s writings. From Landon collapsing while working on a treadmill to Dan having two open heart surgeries and two strokes, Dr. Starczewski shares how God prepared her for both tragedies so she could be strong and victorious. The listener is encouraged and inspired by her words of exhortation and testimony of how God delivered them both from uncertain death due to their heart conditions. She shares her message of Good News to all who will hear, regardless of where the audience is, whether in person or on television. Deborah wants this world to know that God cares for you and every detail of your life—He cares that much!
Deborah’s command of the Word was felt as she recited several scriptures during our discussion. She is a walking, talking example of the Word of God in action in her daily life as well as her ministry. As she began to answer the questions posed, I was struck by her common sense, practical application of the scriptures no matter what obstacle she faced. She shares how God challenged her to share the Word with everyone by the statement “If I’m not willing to stop for one, then I am not fit to stand for thousands.” Deborah declares that “He paused to heal the brokenhearted” and shares the vision God gave her of “One by one/One family at a time”- like a map of the United States, you see the lights of each home lighting up individually from learning to love Jesus and having the Word of God come alive in each and every home.” And that’s her heart—to minister to everyone who will listen—to make Jesus known to all!
When I asked Deborah “What one past experience changed the course of your life?” she responded “When I was a little girl, I had an aunt who was an invalid her whole life. I loved to go see her and she taught me to read. I loved that time with her. She taught me a love of reading and of the Lord”
Deborah shared a second experience that changed her life. “When I was in a car accident–It was during a period in my life when I was working as a volunteer for a political campaign. I had picked up a politician, and he said “let me drive”. I didn’t want to let him drive but the Holy Spirit said that I should let him drive, and not me, and while we were driving, I was hit head on at an angle. I was in a coma for three days, and the Lord came to me and said “you must go back– your work is not done”. It was a miracle that I lived. I found out later that they sent a fatality officer to the site of the accident. The enemy wants to bruise your life so you will never step in to your destiny. You have to just believe—it’s a choice! You can be in faith and you can step out of faith (you know when you have- when fear stops you). Be strong in your faith. You should always be prepared. Choose faith—choose your destiny!”
As a renowned speaker, evangelist and author, I asked Deborah “What is your writing method when you start a project?” She was excited to share her writing tips with our audience “I just get in front of my computer, open up a new word document. I will name it right then, unless the Lord doesn’t give me the title. Then I just start. Lord called me 17 years ago to write. I was right on His timetable. So many people want to finish a book but don’t ever get started. God is always preparing us for our future. When my father was dying, God prepared me to let my father go. We got to spend 17 days around his bedside as he was prepared to go to Heaven. I learned so much through that time in my life. It’s about learning that “father relationship” with God, and then developing the relationship with the Holy Spirit, which is the important relationship here on earth. I have 17 manuscripts based on my teachings. As God leads me, I integrate the Word into the story and I started to put a “Heart Check” at the end of each chapter. The heart check lists questions to ask yourself to check your heart.”
Deborah went on to exhort our authors “Quit using the word try and start using the word believe so you will receive. I’m a God-pleaser, not a man-pleaser. You have to acknowledge and apply the truth that “It’s already done!” Your life, your destiny, is already ordained by God. When you live like that—you will realize “there’s no way I can fail”. Then you learn to market so you can connect with people. Think about this: If God can go to Samaria for just one (the woman at the well), then I can go places to connect to people. When you read I Samuel 30, notice a few things: David worshipped; God speaks specifically and detailed; and He can do it for us. You learn to live supernaturally in the natural by depending on the Holy Spirit.”
I asked Deborah “What is the most important life event you have had?” She responded with excitement in her voice “The Holy Spirit changing my life and coming to know the Lord. Renewing your mind and getting discipled by the Lord. God cares about the details of your life. If you don’t know that, you won’t ask Him about the details. I’m not leaving any rocks unturned. I am telling everyone I can about the Lord. Everything we do is important to the Lord. We must submit our life and just “hear and obey”. For example, I was taking a shower, and through a comical chain of events, I got a black eye while dropping a glass shampoo bottle. Catching it, I hit myself in the eye and I got a black eye. I made an appointment to see the eye doctor. At that appointment, first, the nurse told me her life story and then, the doctor sat and told me his life story. I left that office, went straight home and picked up some books I had promised the doctor I would give him; I went back to the office and kept my promise– I got him some books and put them in his hand. A year later, a person at my church came up to me and said her doctor saw her reading my book and said “hey, I know that author!” He shared with the patient how I gave him those books—his life is now turned around! All because—I gave myself a black eye in the shower! You have to listen—hear and obey! God is interested in all of the details of your life!”
After hearing about the close walk she has with the Lord, I had to ask “What message do you want shared by the story of your life?” Deborah answered without one moment of hesitation. “God cares about every life and every life matters. He wants us to move from drama to destiny. Move to destiny. Destiny is fun and it’s fulfilling. Find out what your passion is. I always define DRAMA as: Devil Racing After My Assignment! God has equipped you to lift others up by sharing your testimony– after you have walked through it. You can choose to become bitter or better, but you can’t have both. You have to learn to forgive. Another example of how my first book, God’s Priceless Treasures, touched someone by sharing my experiences: A woman read the book and was able to let go of unforgiveness she had harbored. 25 years of unforgiveness was removed after this woman read my book—and the miracle was–and she didn’t even know she needed forgiveness until she read my book! That’s how God uses what you’ve gone through to help someone else!”
After hearing these wonderful testimonies of what God has done through and for Deborah, I asked “What would you tell others about your relationship with Christ that would inspire them?” Her contagious positive attitude was overflowing as she stated “You have to develop a relationship with Him and fall in love with Jesus—and get into reading the Word. Devour the Bible. Especially the book of John, chapter 14 verse 16—I always point people to this passage when they ask me what they should read. It shares how the Holy Spirit will reveal all things. Keep a pure heart toward Him. Keep walking in love. You have a choice to turn away from sin. Life is about choices—if I had not chosen to be discipled by the Lord, I would not be here today. It’s about fulfilling your destiny—the one God planned for you!”
As our time together drew to an end, I pointedly asked this woman of God who has ministered the Good News to so many through her teachings and ministries, “What will they write on your gravestone that will sum up your life?” Deborah spoke softly yet enthusiastically, “She lived to know God and make Him known!”
I wondered “what inspired Deborah?”, and she shared “My relationship with the Lord—when you have Him leading you, you have to think big. God is bigger than anything. He is seated at the right hand of the Father—ready to take your needs to the Father—He is a Big God!”
I was very impressed with how many scriptures Deborah had recited during our conversation, all of them applying to different experiences in her life. When I asked her “What is your theme scripture?” she couldn’t just choose one, she chose three! Her favorites are: “Psalm 37:4 Delight yourself in the Lord; Jeremiah 33:3 Call to me and I will show you mighty things; and Psalm 63:2 I have seen the Lord in the sanctuary!”
When I asked our final question “When you get to Heaven, what do you want to hear The Lord say to you?” She bubbled with glee and I could hear her smile from ear to ear and she declared “Welcome home daughter. Well done, my good and faithful servant!”
I had to admit, her enthusiasm was contagious and her experiences were inspiring, but what impressed me the most about Dr. Deborah Starczewski is that I truly believed that she wanted everyone who crosses her path to know Jesus in the same “real, personal, life changing, detailed way” that she does. She sincerely wants to see lives changed; from a doctor she promised to give her books to—(and did!) all the way to a woman who let go of 25 years of unforgiveness! She just wanted them to know that Jesus was interested in the details of their life.
Speaking for those who are fortunate to cross paths with Deborah, I am thankful for the reminder that she gave me—Jesus is listening, He does care… and He wants to be involved in the details of my life!
Sometimes, we just need someone to remind us!
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Dr. Deborah Starczewski & I met a few years ago (5 yrs.) & she is the most wonderful& faithful friend & woman of God I’ve ever met. Upon our meeting God literally told me she was best combination of the Holy Spirit’s anointing & w/ God’s brains all mixed together in one package. It was God who opened the door for me to be trained & mentored by this great woman of God. I am so thankful to God for this. Thank you Deborah for being obedient. I love you. Your friend, joyce.